5. Thanks to Our Test Knitters!

Welcome to the fifth week of ’12 Weeks of Raglan’! Today’s post is dedicated to our wonderful test knitters, who helped us perfect the patterns in Ready Set Raglan to ensure that our readers have the best knitting experiences possible! In last week’s ’12 Weeks of Raglan’ post, pattern writer Alice Sleight talked about the importance of test knitters, and why we had so many for this book. You can enjoy her interview here!

For this post, we asked Ready Set Raglan‘s test knitters to share some photos of their raglan projects and some insights into their test knitting experiences! If you’re after some colour inspiration for your own raglan pullover, then here’s a good place to start! For even more ideas you can search #ReadySetRaglan on Instagram, or the individual pattern hashtags: #EirysPullover#WoodwardiaPullover#GrainnePullover#CyrenPullover#ElowenPullover#EilaPullover#MerywenPullover, or #LobeliaPullover. Alternatively, you can look at the ‘projects’ tab on Ravelry!


“Very well written pattern. Easy to follow from a non english perspective.” – @nobel_charlotte (Instagram)

“It was really easy and fun, really enjoyed it!” – Sadie Van Vranken

“This was a great test knit, love the jumper and can’t wait to wear it!” – @rvettalyn (Instagram and Ravelry)

“I enjoyed every step of it! Thank you for trusting me with your pattern and I really appreciated the support and open communication throughout the process!” – Nadiya Smemo



@crow_toes, test knitter for Merywen


@jaimienoy, test knitter for Cyren


@2re2li, test knitter for Lobelia


@hadabashery, test knitter for Eila


@heatherellisart, test knitter for Cyren


If you’d like to hear about test knitting opportunities at Pom Pom, you can sign up to be notified here. We heartily encourage people of all races, genders, sexualities, sizes, religions, and abilities to sign up!

Ready Set Raglan‘s official on-sale date is 10th December, and we expect pre-ordered copies to arrive from 7th December onwards! Not long to go – worsted-weight yarn at the ready!

Until next week Pom Pals, lots of love! Xx


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