Issue 39
Ok, so we’re not perfect – who is? Here is the errata for any misprints in pattern instructions. Of course, if you find any yourself, do let us know!
Page 98
Divide Sleeves and Body
Row 1 (RS, C): Slide sts, sl3 pwise wyib, *[brp, sl1yo] to 32 (34, 36, 38, 42, 48, 52, 56) sts before centre inc st, brp, slip next 65 (69, 73, 77, 85, 97, 105, 113) sts onto scrap yarn keeping centre inc st marker in place, PM; rep from * once more, [brp, sl1yo] to last 4 sts, brp, sl3 pwise wyif, turn.
Page 99
Set-up row 2 (RS, B): With yarn B, sl1yo, brLsl dec (treating first knit st as a brk), [sl1yo, brk] to 1 st before centre inc st, sl1yo, k1, [sl1yo, brk] to last 5 sts, sl1yo, brLsl dec, sl1yo, do not turn. 67 (71, 75, 79, 87, 99, 107, 115) sts
Rep rows 2-3 a further 26 (28, 28, 30, 30, 32, 32, 33, 33) times, then work row 2 only once more.
Fasten off.
With RS together, join shoulders with whip stitch. Sew side seam by joining ribbed edges with RS facing you, then working sl st through back loops with WS facing until 18 (20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24, 26, 26)cm / 7¼ (8, 8, 8¾, 8¾, 9½, 9½, 10¼, 10¼)” remains for sleeve opening. Sew sleeve seams in same way as side seams, then sew sleeves into sleeve opening with whip stitch.
Yarn A: Navy Blue (459)
Change made: Yarn A is listed in the print edition as Deep Navy Blue (449)
Correct number of skeins should be: 6 (6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11)