Issue 42

Ok, so we’re not perfect – who is? Here is the errata for any misprints in pattern instructions. Of course, if you find any yourself, do let us know!

Update (November 2022): Digital files (including via Ravelry) have been updated to include the errata below, except those marked with an asterisk *


After you have worked the yoke and before you divide for the sleeves and body:

Work straight in St st until piece measures 24  (24, 25, 25, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5)cm / 9½ (9½, 9¾, 9¾, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10)" from end of neck ribbing.


Chart A:
Round 3 (inc): Pfb, p3, k4, p3, pfb, k4. 18 sts
Round 12: P5, k2, p1, k1 tbl, p2, k1 tbl, p1, k2, p5, k4.
Round 42 : P7, k2, p4, k2, p7, k4.

Back Gusset

Back gusset is worked back and forth over the stitches for the back only.

Row 1 (RS): K31 (38, 45, 50, 53, 57, 63, 69), PM, turn.

Row 2 (WS)(inc): Sl1 wyif, M1LP, p30 (37, 44, 49, 52, 56, 62, 68), SM, p31 (38, 45, 50, 53, 57, 63, 69), PM, turn. 1 st inc


Page 142
Back Shoulders

Short row 1 (RS): Rejoin yarn, k to 10 (12, 14, 16,  18, 20, 22) sts before shoulder steek, turn.
Short row 2 (WS): Create DS, p to 10 (12, 14, 16,  18, 20, 22) sts before shoulder steek, turn.
Short row 3 (RS): Create DS, k to 6 sts before last  DS, turn.
Short row 4 (WS): Create DS, p to 6 sts before last  DS, turn.
Short row 5 (RS): Create DS, k to 5 sts before last  DS, turn.
Short row 6 (WS): Create DS, p to 5 sts before last  DS, turn.
Short row 7 (RS): Create DS, k to shoulder steek,  resolving DS as you pass them, turn.
Short row 8 (WS): P to 21 (22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27) sts before centre back marker, cast off 42 (44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54) sts for back neck, p to shoulder steek continuing to resolve DS as you pass them. 28 (34, 40, 46, 52, 58, 64) sts for each shoulder


Back Chart
Stitches 29 + 30 on cable rows 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25 and 29 (shown red) should be worked as 1/1 LC as shown here (not 1/1 RC as printed). See Stitch Glossary on page 127 for how to work 1/1 LC.

*Right Front, Page 128

Size 1 ONLY
Row 1 (WS): P4, turn.
Row 2 (RS): Create DS, k to last st, M1R, k1. 20 sts
Row 3 (WS): P to last 10 sts, turn.
Row 4 (RS): Create DS, k to last st, M1R, k1. 21 sts
Row 5 (WS): P to last 9 sts, k1, p1, k1, p1, turn.
Row 6 (RS): Create DS, p1, sl1, p1, k to last st, M1R, k1. 22 sts
Row 7 (WS): P to last 9 sts, k1, p1, k1, p2, k1, p1, k1, p to end.


Using smaller, longer needles, yarn A and RS facing,  starting at Right Front bottom, pick up and knit about 4 sts every 5 rows to neck, 1 st per st along neck and 4 sts out of every 5 every rows to Left Front bottom corner. Total should be an odd number.
Row 1 (WS): P1, [k1, p1] to end.
Row 2 (RS): K1, [p1, k1] to end.
Row 3 (WS): Rep row 1.
Place markers along Left Front edge to mark placement for 5 buttonholes or desired number. Bottom button should be 1cm / ½” from edge and top button at beginning of V-neck, with remaining buttons evenly spaced.
Row 4 (RS): Work in patt, casting off 2 sts at each marked button position along Right Front, patt to end.
Row 5 (WS): Work in patt to 1 st before first buttonhole, [pfb, cast on 1 st, work to next buttonhole] to last buttonhole, pfb, cast on 1 st, patt to end.
Work 3 more rows in 1x1 Rib then cast off using the Tubular cast-off method.
Weave in ends and block to measurements.
Sew buttons to buttonband to correspond with each buttonhole.


page 89
Row 7: P2, ssk, k1, ssk, p4, sl1yo, p5, k1, p2.
Row 11: P2, ssk, k1, ssk, p4, k1, p4, ssk, k1, ssk, p1.
Row 15: P2, [ssk, k1, ssk, p3] twice, ssk, k1, ssk, p1.
Row 19: P3, sl1yo, p4, ssk, k1, ssk, p3, ssk, k1, ssk, p1.
Row 23: P3, sl1yo, p4, ssk, k1, ssk, p4, sl1yo, p2.
Round 7: P2, ssk, k1, ssk, p4, sl1yo, p2.
Round 11: P2, ssk, k1, ssk, p4, k1, p2.
Round 15: P2, ssk, k1, ssk, p3, ssk, k1, ssk, p1.
Round 19: P3, sl1yo, p4, ssk, k1, ssk, p1

page 90
SLEEVES (both alike)

Next round (inc): M1LP, PM, patt to last st, PM, m1RP. 2 sts inc
Next round: P to marker, SM, patt to marker, SM, p to end.
Rep last round a further 8 (6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2) times.
Inc round: M1LP, p to marker, SM, patt to marker, SM, p to end, m1RP2 sts inc

*page 90

Right Side
Row 1 (WS): Sl1, [p1, k1] to end.
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, [k1, p1] to end.
Rep rows 1-2 for 4cm / 1½”.

Left Side
Row 1 (WS): Sl1 kwise wyif, [p1, k1] to marker, SM, k2tog, turn.
Row 2 (RS): Sl1 pwise wyib, SM, [p1, k1] to last st, k1.
Rep rows 1-2 twice more. 

Aureole (beanie)

page 154
Row 33 (WS): 
Rep row 3112 sts


Page 123
Quilted Lattice Tutorial Link