Issue 6

Ok, so we’re not perfect – who is? Here is the errata for any misprints in pattern instructions. Of course, if you find any yourself, do let us know!



Chart Symbol Key:  / should be k2tog, \ should be ssk
Please also note: the columns of plain stocking stitch between each cable should in fact be reverse stocking stitch, so that there is a column of purl sts on the RS between each cable.


Rep Dec Rnd every 3rd rnd 28 (20, 10, 10, 4) more times, then every 2nd rnd 0 (14, 29, 30, 39) times. 52 (52, 52, 56, 56) sts

Work in patt until sleeve meas 39 (41, 41, 42, 42) cm / 15½ (16, 16, 16½, 16½)” or 13 cm / 5” less than desired length, when measured from the centre of the Body shoulder (do not measure from the pick up row, as this does not take the drop shoulder length into account). 



Forest Cable Pattern, Written Instructions

Rnd 3: *K2, T4F, p4, T4B, k2; rep from * to end.



Row 1 for the set-up row should be: Sl1, p8, T3L, p6, K1.

Row 11 for the final row (all sizes): Sl1, p6, T3L, p8, K1.




The Twisted Stitch and Main Body written instructions and chart have a few errors – please see digital version for updated instructions.

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First Raglan Dec Row (RS):  *Work in patt to 3 sts before raglan m, ssk, k1, sl m, k1, k2tog; rep from * to end. 8 sts dec’d




Thumb: Work in St st in the rnd until thumb meas approx 0.5 cm / 0.25″ less than desired length.