Episode 24 - With Rachel Atkinson

Hey Pomcats! We're back again with another collection of knitterly tales and woolly fun to entertain you: it's time for Pomcast 24!

Make sure to download the Soundcloud app if you want to listen on a mobile device, or if you subscribe to Pomcast on iTunes it should appear on your device now! And while you’re having a listen, why not rate us or even leave a little review – thanks!

Thank you to our lovely sponsors Inspiration Knits, patterns that are created to showcase the gorgeous colours in special yarns. Louise Zass-Bangham, the designer behind Inspiration Knits, has been extra generous and given you lucky folks a chance to win a copy of her latest book Knit Play Colour (hear more about this gem in the podcast!)

Leave a comment below letting us know which pattern is your favourite by Sunday 15th May. Extra points if you tweet, share on Facebook or Instagram! Just let us know that you did in a separate comment.

Tell + Tell

Taking the advice from last month's podcast, Sophie has been motivated and fairly monogamous with her knits and as a result her Garland jumper and Terra Shawl have been progressing nicely, could she have some finished knits next podcast?

Lydia's Right Angle is off the needles and looking gorgeous!

Top Tip

And while we mention the Ravelry forum, it's also the place we've been discussing our top tips. Dianna Walla had a clever phrase (she thinks she learnt from Stephen West) to add to our M1L/M1R discussions of last podcast - ‘I left the front door open, I’ll be right back'. Think you have a better way to remember this? Let us know!

Oh and we discuss what to do when your needles are sticky...

News + Reviews

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Issue 17 - woohoo! Watch this space!

For reviews we have a little chat about the wonderful 100% British sourced and produced Hebridean yarn from Daughter of a Shepherd. A little warm up before we learn more from the lady behind the project, Rachel Atkinson in our interview!


Of course we chat about her amazing new yarn, plus Rachel's involvement with Pom Pom as part of our team as a technical editor extraordinaire.

But wait, what IS a technical editor? Technical editors are the magicians who make sure that patterns are going to work when they are knitted by your lovely selves. They check numbers, clarify instructions, and make sure all the patterns in one publication are in the same style. Rachel works with the always fabulous Jemima Bicknell to check Pom Pom patterns, and they are of course an integral part of team PPQ! It's an added bonus that Rachel has an infectious giggle (as you will hear in the interview!).