Episode 70 – Lydia Morrow
Hi Pomcats! We’re swinging into our first episode of 2022 with an interview with the marvellous maker Lydia Morrow.
This episode is sponsored by Purl Soho. Since 2002, Purl Soho has inspired knitters around the world with their fresh approach to traditional needlecrafts. Known for their spectacular colour, natural fibers, and approachable patterns, they love to knit as much as we do! At purlsoho.com, you can find tons of free patterns and tutorials, as well as all the supplies you need to cast on. As a special offer for Pomcast listeners, Purl Soho are offering 15% off their next order of yarn, fabric or notions - just visit purlsoho.com and enter the code POMCASTFEB at checkout. Please note that this offer may not be combined with other discounts.
You may know Lydia from her Instagram, @whatlydiamade, where she introduces herself as ‘disabled queer doofus mum doing all of the things’. We discuss her process behind the creative direction for Issue 39 and her own designs, including the ‘You and I are Earth’ piece pictured here!
Thanks Lydia for sharing your creative musing and thoughts on making!
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Pom Pom xx