
Reinforcing your Steeks
Step 1: Using yarn B, make a slip knot and place it on your crochet hook. With RS facing, insert hook into stitch 2 at the bottom (bound off) edge. Work one (SC) single crochet (US terminology) securing the yarn.
Step 2: Now you can start reinforcing. Insert your hook under the LH leg of stitch 2, and RH leg of stitch 3. Work a SC.
Step 3: Repeat step 2, working a SC through the LH leg of stitch 2 and the RH leg of stitch 3 in each row, working from bottom to top. Secure the chain at the cast-on edge with a SC through stitch 2. Fasten off.
Step 4: Turn your work 180 degrees. Join your yarn through the centre of stitch 4 with an SC. Work crochet reinforcement as before but this time over stitches 3 and 4 as shown.
Step 5: A ladder of strands will be visible in between the two crochet reinforcements. Take a pair of sharp scissors, take a deep breath and carefully cut this ladder to split the front into its two halves.

Steek Sandwich (used in Confetti by Sonja Bargielowska from PPQ Issue 8)
Step 1: Using small circular needle and yarn B held double, make a long tail of yarn five times the length of the steek and use this to pick up stitches as follows: Left hand side, starting at the bottom of work:
Pick up 5 stitches every 6 rows. With RS facing, pick up stitches in gap between stitch 1 and the main pattern. Ensure working yarn (attached to the ball) remains at the bottom edge.
Step 2: Once all the stitches have been picked up, slide stitches along the needle and knit them from bottom to top of garment using working yarn.
Step 3: Turn steek over and pick up the loops on the reverse side if the steek from bottom to top.
Step 4: Place marker and knit 7 rounds to enclose the steek. Using a three-needle cast-off, cast off all stitches.
Step 5: Work right hand side as for left, but begin picking up stitches from the top of the steek between steek stitch 5 and main pattern.