Wrap & Turn Short Rows

Creating Wrap & Turn Short Rows
Knit side:
Step 1: With yarn in back, slip next stitch purl wise from left to right needle.
Step 2: Bring yarn forward, then slip stitch back from right to left needle.
Step 3: Bring yarn to back.
Step 4: Turn work so that the purl side is facing, and you're ready to purl!
Purl Side:
Step 1: With yarn in front, slip next stitch purl wise from left to right needle.
Step 2: Bring yarn to back, then slip stitch from right to left needle.
Step 3: Bring yarn to front.
Step 4: Turn work so that the knit side is facing, and you're ready to knit!

Picking up Wrapped Stitches
Knit Side:
Step 1: Pick up wrap with right needle from front to back.
Step 2: Insert right needle into wrapped stitch knit wise, dropping it from left needle.
Step 3: Knit the wrap and stitch together (k2tog).
Purl Side:
Step 1: Pick up wrap with right needle from back to front.
Step 2: Place wrap on left needle.
Step 3: Purl the wrap and stitch together (p2tog).